Today's article takes a look at:
Recursive Functions
Functions are one of the most important tools we have for developing reusable, structured code. When we build our functions, we are mainly looking at ways to reduce redundancy and create effective ways to perform the same operations we use in either 1 script or all our scripts.
In our attempts to reduce redundancy, we inadvertently create more redundancy or miss opportunities to simplify how our code executes.
Consider this situation. We have a multidimensional array set that we want to display not only in a div, but also divs inside of divs. One method we could solve this with involves something like the following code:
While the above code works exactly as we need it to, it isn't exactly written the most efficient or optimized way. If you look at the code above, you can already start to see the redundancy involved with it. It's the exact same foreach statement whenever our condition of "is_array" rings true, and the exact same statement when it rings false. Plus, since we have to keep track of where we are in each of our loops, we get to the point to where our foreach loop parameters are extremely difficult to keep track of and the code in general is just a mess.
$array = array("info" => array("employees" => array("name" => array(array("first" => "John",
"last" => "Doe",
array("first" => "Bob",
"last" => "Henry",
"departs" => array("building_1" => array("Sales",
"building_2" => array("Developers",
"misc" => "Created in 2009",
function display_information(array $data_array) {
foreach($data_array as $key => $value) { // info
if(is_array($value)) {
foreach($value as $sub_key => $sub_value) {
if(is_array($sub_value)) {
foreach($sub_value as $sub_key2 => $sub_value2) {
if(is_array($sub_value2)) {
foreach($sub_value2 as $sub_key3 => $sub_value3) {
if(is_array($sub_value3)) {
foreach($sub_value3 as $sub_key4 => $sub_value4) {
echo "$sub_key4 => $sub_value4";
} else {
echo "$sub_key3 => $sub_value3";
} else {
echo "$sub_key2 => $sub_value2";
} else {
echo "$sub_key => $sub_value";
} else {
echo "$array_val";
So how can we optimize the code above to be less redundant, and in return create a quicker, less line, and optimized solution? We do it by creating a recursive function.
A recursive function is just a method that calls itself from within itself. It helps reduce redundancy by applying similar logic to a result set without having to rewrite the exact same methods over and over again (as in the above code).
$array = array("info" => array("employees" => array("name" => array(array("first" => "John",
"last" => "Doe",
array("first" => "Bob",
"last" => "Henry",
"departs" => array("building_1" => array("Sales",
"building_2" => array("Developers",
"misc" => "Created in 2009",
function display_information(array $data_array) {
foreach($data_array as $key => $value) { // info
if(is_array($value)) {
} else {
echo "$array_val";
Nice isn't it? We take a 29 line function from our original example and turned it easily into a 9 line optimized function. This not only reduces the lines dedicated our function, but it also makes it easier to read, faster, and above all optimized!
Recursive functions can be used in many instances. The key for the developer is to recognize when it's needed by carefully examining the code and determine if it's needed. This example (while a bit exaggerated) will hopefully open your eyes and also teach you just one more simple thing you can do to create more optimized code for PHP!
Tune in next time for my next optimizing article on, Commenting.
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